Dog with a Blog lost episode

One day, I was watching Disney channel and it said there was going to be a new episode of Dog with a Blog. I was excited because I loved Dog with a Blog. It started off with Stan the dog staring at the camera. Then his eyes turned red and he said "in this episode, I will murder everyone" in a deep voice. Then it cut to the character Avery tied to a chair. Stan walked up to her and stabbed her with a ballistic hunting knife.
He then carved out her organs and put them in a cake. He baked the cake in the oven for 10 minutes. When the cake was done, he took it out of the oven with his paws. He held the pan in his mouth. He walked up to Chloe and asked her if she wanted a slice. She said yes. When she ate the cake, she threw up and died of food poisoning because the cake was under cooked.
Next was Tyler. Tyler was strapped into a barbers chair. Stan walked up to him with a scalpel. Then, Stan cut off Tyler's scalp. "You mother fucker! You ruined my hair", said Tyler. Stan shoved the scalpel down Tyler's throat. For what seemed like forever, Tyler was choking and spitting up blood. Finally, he died. Stan laughed and said "finally, those brats are dead".
Then, Smile Dog walked up to Stan. "You have done good my son", said Smile Dog. "Thank you, master", said Stan. Then, I watched in horror as spider-like legs came out of Stan's back. Stan's face morphed into what looked like Satan himself. His eyes glowed red. Then it cut to black.
I was horrified. I decided to call Disney Channel. When I called them, all I heard were low dog barks and people screaming. Later, I went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of tapping on my window. When I looked out, I saw one giant spider-leg.